Caring for your Crystals - Free Indie Spirit

Caring for your Crystals

How to Care for Your Crystals Many people enjoy owning crystals for the positive energies they carry. What their owners often do not realize though, is that neglecting your crystal care can be detrimental to their energy levels over time. To keep your crystals in top-notch shape, you must regularly cleanse and program your Crystals.

How to Care for Your Crystals

Many people enjoy owning crystals for the positive energies they carry. What their owners often do not realize though, is that neglecting your crystals care can be detrimental to their energy levels over time. To keep your crystals in top-notch shape, you must regularly cleanse and program your crystals and store them properly. Learning how to care for your crystals can ensure you are able to receive all of the benefits for the mind, body, and soul that crystals are able to provide. 

Cleansing Your Crystals 

Cleansing your crystals is an important and easy way to maintain their energy. Though simple to cleanse, not all = stones are to be cleansed the same way. While stones like rose quartz and citrine are b= est cleansed by the sunlight, other crystals such as a carnelian should be cleans= ed with water. Educating yourself on what kinds of crystals you own and how= to best clean them is the first step in adequately caring for your crystal= s.

There are a number of different ways t= o cleanse your crystals and many you can easily do at home. Healthline provides an in-depth look at specific ways to cl= eanse your crystals. While not all of the cleansing recommendations listed = are possible at home, they can still give you a good place to start. <= /span>

Easy Crystal Cleansing Techniques

Using running water is a simple yet effective way crystal owners should cleanse their stones. By rinsing each of your stones for 1 minute under the faucet you can neutralize any negative energy your stones may be storing and return it back to its natural healing state. Another way to cleanse your crystals is by using sage. Smudge and rub your crystal into sage by an open window. This will allow the negative energy to be rubbed off by the sage. You can then ignite the sage and hold the crystal in your hand and slowly move it over the flame. Other crystal cleansing techniques include using natural light (sunlight or moonlight), salt= water, breath, and visualization. 

While some crystal cleansing methods m= ay be more difficult than others, the benefits are certainly worth the trouble. To see 3 more in-depth ways to clean your crystals.

Programming Crystals 

One of the most detrimental things you= can do to your crystals is to let them sit alone on the shelf. By sitting = alone and not being used they will collect dust and negative energy. Many d= on=E2=80=99t know that crystals can actually be programmed for a specific p= urpose, and even re-programmed if that energy is lost from dis-use.  

Proper Storage of Crystals

Another critical way to care for your = crystals is by storing them correctly. Crystals that are not stored correct= ly collect and create negative energy. Proper storage is an extremely easy = way to care for them. By simply locating them and placing them in healthier= more ventilated locations, your crystals will have the ability to maintain= better/ more positive energy. 

Best Ways to Store Your Crystals

Location is everything. You want to store your crystals in dry, clean, e= nriching locations. Dust, moisture, and even salt air can damage certain cr= ystals. Because crystals range in energy, you=E2=80=99ll want to keep them = separated based on their ideal locations. A good rule of thumb is to consid= er what method you cleanse your crystal with. If that particular crystal is= cleansed by soil, try to store it near plant life. If that crystal is clea= nsed with running water, ideally you could store it near a water source.&nb= sp;

 Proper Care for Your Crystals

Although it can take some time and eff= ort, it is certainly worth it to care for your crystals properly. In order = to get the utmost benefits from the use of your crystals, ensure you are cl= eansing them often, know how to re/program them, and can store them properl= y. Don=E2=80=99t let your crystals sit unused on a shelf. Keep them healthy= and functioning and in regular use for optimal wellness. 

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